We Are Getting Married
Sabtuu, 3 September 2022
“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”
( Q.S. Ar-rum : 21 )
"The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage"
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Maha suci Allah yang telah menciptakan mahluk-Nya berpasang-pasangan. Ya Allah, semoga ridho-Mu tercurah mengiringi pernikahan Kami
Zeinun S. Potutu, S.Pd
( Zein )
Putri Pertama dari
Bapak Suleman Potutu & ibu Suryanti Djafar
Alvien Pebrianto Bustamin
( Aco )
Putra Kedua dari
Bapak Harmin, S.TP dan ibu Rostinovia Albakir, A.Md.Keb., S.PdI
Our Special
Wedding Event
Akad Nikah
Sabtu, 3 September 2022
Pukul : 10:00 WITA s.d Selesai
Rumah mempelai wanita
Jl. Irigasi (Komp. Lapangan), Desa Bendungan, Kecamatan Mananggu
Sabtu, 3 September 2022
Pukul : 19:00 WITA s.d Selesai
Rumah mempelai wanita
Jl. Irigasi (Komp. Lapangan), Desa Bendungan, Kecamatan Mananggu
Counting down ti the big day
Ucapan & Doa